Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What Are The Best Vitamins For Anxiety?

By Margaret R. Ferguson

Anxiety for prolonged duration of time can cause serious damage to the body as it decreases oxygen levels greatly which in turn reduce efficiency of the organs. If you want effective solution for your anxiety, you should start consuming vitamins instead of taking prescription medicines.B-COMPLEX are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency of specific B vitamins like B-12, B-9, and B6 can cause nervous imbalance and lead to anxiety. Serotonin is a type of neurotransmitters and it can be manufactured with the help of B-complex. B vitamins also give a calming effect. If they are taken in optimum proportion in the diet, they can greatly help to reduce anxiety levels in a couple of weeks. You should consume enough B complex in your diet to meet the daily recommendations of your body.

Vitamin B3 is effective in elevating high stress and anxiety levels. As vitamin B3 gives a soothing effect, it is prescribed to people who are more prone to panic attacks during anxiety. Vitamin B3 is one of the best vitamins to cure anxiety.Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. It helps the brain to produce certain neurotransmitters that regulate anxiety. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 like sweet potatoes and bananas help to enhance the immune system greatly.

As well as being in oily fish Omega 3 is also in things such as flax oil and flax seed. Omega 3 supplements are also available.B Vitamins are a group of vitamins that are associated with general good health. A deficiency can lead to, amongst other things, insomnia and mood changes, not really the type of symptoms that you want to have alongside an anxiety disorder. Vitamin B is also thought to have a beneficial effect on people suffering from depression.

Vitamin B3 which is also known as niacin helps the body to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is linked to mood. High levels of serotonin lead to a happy,feel good state of mind while low levels can lead to feelings of low self esteem and anxiety. A number of drugs used to treat anxiety target serotonin. Vitamins B12 and B6 also help in the production of neurotransmitters within the brain and are key ingredients in any diet for anxiety.

Magnesium (200mg 2 to 3 times per day) may be beneficial during anxiety and panic because it assists with muscle relaxation.Vitamin C (250 to 500mg per day) reduces swelling and helps your immune system function better.Coenzyme Q10 (50 to 100mg one to two times per day) improves oxygen delivery to tissues and has antioxidant activity.Depending on your symptoms and their severity, the above list can be used as a guideline of vitamins that you can consider adding to your diet. The vitamins listed above should be used in conjunction with your other medications and over time you may find that other medications can be reduced or possibly stopped. This is a decision that should only be made under medical supervision.As an anxiety sufferer, do you ever wonder if you can take any vitamins for anxiety to help you control and eliminate stress and anxiety? Something small that you can do consistently everyday that will boost your recovery?Well, if you do, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that there definitely are!Usually, the best panic attack remedies are natural and easily incorporated into our way of life. They work with your body to control and hopefully eradicate your anxiety symptoms but, unlike most anxiety medication, they also go to the bottom of the problem and help you banish your anxiety for good.

Vitamins for anxiety function by regulating your metabolism and hormonal balance, which is a subtle but powerful way of controlling anxiety and its symptoms. They occur naturally in the foods you eat, and you can supplement your body's intake of these vitamins even more to get the maximum effect.Let's take a look at these vitamins for anxiety,The B Vitamins for Anxiety The B vitamins are crucial in getting the central nervous system to function like it should -- a lack of these vitamins usually results in increased levels of anxiety, depression and stress.B vitamins work best when taken together as a B-complex. They regulate your neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, hence controlling your moods and responses when you encounter situations that could trigger stress and anxiety.

In general terms, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, take regular exercise and have a well balanced diet which contains the right minerals and vitamins you will cope with anxiety much better.If you feel that your diet is missing some of these essential anxiety beating vitamins then it could be worth looking at taking some vitamin supplements.Before taking any vitamin or mineral supplements it is essential to seek the advice of your doctor.When we speak of anxiety treatment, most people will say that it involves the use of prescription and other anti-depressant drugs.While this type of approach indeed is used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, there are other ways which are used by experts to deal with the problem of panic or anxiety attacks.

Vitamin B--8 (Inositol) has been highlighted as a good alternative to the drug fluvoxamine for treating anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression and certain phobias - patients who were administered with inositol showed good recoveries from their anxiety symptoms without the associated side effects such as lethargy and nausea;Vitamin B--12 (Cobalamine) has been linked to increased levels and occurrences of stress and anxiety when it is in deficiency.The C Vitamin for Anxiety.Now, you've just gotta love little, dependable vitamin C, eh?!It is more well known for fending off common cold and scurvy, but it also has an important link to stress and anxiety relief. It is either taken on its own, or can be obtained from multivitamin supplements.

Magnesium - a dose of 300-400 mg can do the trick. This supplement is responsible for calming the muscles and help the nervous system work more efficiently. It is recommended to give a person proper rest and sleep.Omega 3 fatty Acids - this nutrient can be derived either through capsules as supplements or from raw foods such as oily fishes like mackerel and tuna. The fatty acids help alleviate depression and other factors caused by stress. It is also potent in making the cardiovascular system work in tiptop form.

B-complex vitamins - this type of vitamin is best for boosting your energy levels. Foods rich in B vitamins include meat and some green leafy vegetables. Taking this vitamin daily will help you calm your nerves and muscles and ultimately rid of stress in your system.As you can see it is not only through prescription drugs that you can deal with anxiety. Supplementing with these wonderful vitamins and minerals will be a big help in combating the ill effects of anxiety.To learn more about anxiety disorders click the link below. You'll find a multitude of ways to treat anxiety and bring back the life you have been missing out.

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