Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The 11 Forgotten Laws Critique - Is It A Scam Or Legit?

By Cheryl P. Rivera

Several years ago I saw the movie "The Secret" and was fascinated with the Law of Attraction; however, after a short period of trying to work with the concept, I soon abandoned it. It simply wasn't working for me.Many people probably have had the same experience with the Law of Attraction and have become completely cynical about the approach. After a few years of continuing to search for the good life-health, wealth, and happiness and turning -up empty handed, I watched "The Secret" again on Netflix.Honestly, it was maybe more interesting the second time I watched it because of all the experiences I had had in the years between. But after turning off the television, the concept of the Law of Attraction continued to intrigue me.I started looking on the internet, searching for something that would further explain what I had seen in the movie. Somehow, the movie just didn't seem complete. Soon I came across a video and then a link to the program "The 11 Forgotten Laws."

What is the Law of Attraction? Most people who are familiar with the Law of Attraction were introduced to it via the book and movie, The Secret. The concept of the Law of Attraction has been taught throughout the world for thousands of years and has even been featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. It is based on the notion that positive thoughts attract positive materiality and situations. Basically, that a thought has the power to materialize if focused on in the correct manner, bringing about ones ideal life or individual desires.

What about the 11 Forgotten Laws program itself? The 11 Forgotten Laws is available for purchase over the phone and internet and is marketed on television commercials as well. The problem with these commercials is that they are misleading in regards to their promise to provide a way for an individual to make more money. The infomercial implies that the program will provide a step-by-step way to making money, but it does not. It provides ideas on making money but does not actually give a roadmap to follow. In my opinion, it falls short of its implied message. The program may do a great job of motivating an individual to want to try and make money, but does not give instructions on how to do so.

If you know about the law of attraction from the movie The Secret, you probably have heard about the new online course called The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor. If you have tried implementing the concepts in The Secret but you are confused and frustrated with your results, you need not be worried as there are thousands of people who also experience the same frustrations as you. I will further explain why this is so in this article.

Right now, in the midst of the recession, most people are anxious and worried about money. The media bombards is daily with how bad things are and how much worse they're going to get. But anxiety and worry are detrimental to us. It limits our supply of abundance and prosperity.We need to alter our mindset from a poverty-consciousness to an abundance-consciousness. And that's easy to do once we realize that God, or the Universe or the economy isn't limiting our supply. We are.Wealth does not come from the vocation you choose. There is money to be made in any field or profession. Look around you. You'll see poor doctors and rich doctors, lawyers who are struggling to make ends meet and those who are thriving. The difference between those who are successful and those who are not lies in their mindset and thinking.

Jack Canfield has this to say about the Law of Attraction: "Decide what you want and believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it is possible for you. And then close your eyes everyday for several minutes and visualize having what you already want, then feeling the feeling of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you are grateful for already and really enjoy it. Go into your day and release it to the universe and trust that the universe would figure out how to manifest it".Why Many People Fail to Use the Law of Attraction Successfully.The fact is that very few people who know about this law become successful with it. This is because a person needs to have a good understanding of 11 other less-talked-about laws before the law of attraction can make sense to him or her.

The 11 forgotten laws are The Law of Thinking, Supply, Attraction, Receiving, Increase, Compensation, Non Resistance, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, Obedience and Success. These are the laws that Bob teaches in detail in his online course, The 11 Forgotten Laws Course.Are you looking for audio law of attraction training? The 11 Forgotten Laws is an MP3 self help program which you can use to build a new abundant life for yourself and your loved ones. Discover how you can use your spare time for self development.

Bob Proctor's new "The 11 Forgotten Laws" program comprises six hours of solid audio law of attraction self help training. As the name implies, you're taught the eleven forgotten laws, which were left out of the popular culture sensation, The Secret.You can listen to the series of MP3s anywhere, whether you're at your computer, are exercising, or are sitting in the train or car on the way to work -- having audio means you can use time which would otherwise to wasted in developing your law of attraction skills.

As with all self development courses, The 11 Forgotten Laws are only as useful as you make them. Many courses give a pie in the sky promise of immediate results and instant success, but Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey tell us right off the bat that that the course will take your full commitment. This is commendable, as many teachers will give false hopes up front to secure their readership. As with all self development courses; The 11 Forgotten Laws won't change your life with a simple "once-over." It requires a full commitment. After all, a life changing experience can't come from a marginal effort.

Here's what I know: I think and feel very differently since I started listening and working with this material. With the new year of 2009 almost upon us (as I write, it's Boxing Day of 2008), I'm making plans for achievement in 2009. In other years, I would have made some new year's resolutions (eat better, exercise more) knowing that I'd forget them half way through January.Listening to the audio law of attraction training has changed me on a fundamental level -- I know which goals I definitely will achieve in 2009, with a clear certainty I've never felt before when I set goals. I'm expecting how my life will change, and I'm looking forward to the changes.If you're looking for audio law of attraction training, explore Bob Proctor's new "The 11 Forgotten Laws": this program really can change your life.

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