Saturday, October 19, 2013

Phobia Treatment - What Are The Different Methods?

By Cecelia C. Bridgeman

There are a number of effective behavioral techniques that are used by therapists for phobia treatment. Cognitive techniques and medications are also deemed to be useful for treatments. Before discussing these treatments, it is important to note that there exists a relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias. OCD is an anxiety disorder wherein people afflicted with it are burdened with uncontrollable thoughts, and distressing compulsions. A phobia is the irrational fear over almost anything. For example, germ phobic people have obsessive thoughts about the possibility of contacting microbes, and they always feel the need to wash themselves over and over.

Treatment for bridge phobia consists of antidepressant or anti anxiety medications in conjunction with behavioral therapy to teach one coping mechanisms to employ whenever placed into a situation that would trigger the phobia. Another treatment is called desensitization. This works by putting yourself into the situation that triggers your anxiety a little at a time until it stops bothering you, then going a little further.

Modeling, another component of phobia treatment, is normally used together with systematic desensitization. In this case, the therapist must perform or model the right behavior first before asking the client to do the same. By observing the therapist, the client learns to associate calm responses to the therapist's behavior towards the feared object or situation. The last component of this method is flooding, which entails the client, who is taught relaxation techniques, to be consistently exposed to the feared object until the OCD or phobia is extinguished. This treatment is the least preferred by clients because of the great distress it can cause them.

Actually it's this last option that is one of the more common fears about dogs. They can get just too enthusiastic in their greeting. Bounding up fast towards you and then leaping up to reinforce their enthusiasm. Maybe even bowling you over when they haven't slowed down quite enough in those last couple of paces. This can be a daunting experience even for those people who aren't actually afraid of dogs on a general basis.If exposure treatment sounds a bit too over the top for you, there are other methods available.Another common way to deal with dog phobia is to use hypnosis. This can be a face-to-face session with a hypnotist in your locality or it can be as simple as playing a pre-recorded MP3 to yourself.Whichever method you choose, the general process is the same.

There are other types of phobia treatment available. Cognitive-behavioral treatments combine the behavioral techniques mentioned above with cognitive techniques that help in identifying and challenging distressing thoughts about the feared objects. This type of treatment is very effective for social phobia since it can be administered in a group setting. Biological treatments are the last type of method. People are prescribed with medicines such as benzodiazepines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to provide temporary relief, since they cannot extinguish phobias. There are also studies that proved that relapse happens soon after stopping the medication. To sum it up, it eems that behavior therapy, the best method, still involves the adage "confront your fears."

Commitmentphobia phobia can affect all areas of a person's life. Commitment phobics often fear committing to a relationship, a job, a pet, or anything else. These fears are exaggerations of normal fears of making the wrong choice of a mate or job. The sufferer generally fears most that which he or she wants most, which suggests the phobia is born of a fear of failure or a feeling of unworthiness and so subconsciously decide to reject someone before they can be rejected.While most phobias can be treated by frequent brief exposure to the item or situation feared, a therapist can't expose a client to repeated relationships.The only way to treat this condition is to uncover and treat the root causes. Many commitment phobics experienced the death of a parent or a parental divorce or some other abandonment issue. Someone may have been abused or betrayed by a member of the opposite sex and so is afraid to trust.

These negative experiences and beliefs can be self perpetuating. The phobic person does not see his or her part in the break-up. This reinforces the belief that he or she can not trust members of the same sex and so rejects the next person who gets close.There are some classic behaviors exhibited by phobic men and women. For clarity's sake we will use he in this list of common commitment phobic behaviors. You may see yourself or a friend in some or many of these behaviors.

Beta blockers work by reducing the physical signs of social anxiety such as profuse sweating and accelerated heartbeat. Meanwhile, an individual suffering from severe anxiety is usually advised to undergo treatments using antidepressants. Paxil, Effexor, and Zoloft are among the antidepressants that have been approved by the FDA as anxiety and depression treatment. When worse comes to worst and the first two treatments still don't work, benzodiazepines can be used to treat an individual's extreme anxiety.

Therapy.CBT or Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most valuable treatments used to reduce an anxiety or panic attack symptom. This type of treatment is rooted in the idea that negative thoughts and feelings influence one's behavior. What CBT does is teach an individual to replace negative thoughts with more balanced views.It also involves gradual and systematic techniques in confronting social situations instead of dodging them. Therapies and medications usually work well together so it is also advisable that they be taken simultaneously.

The phobic individual needs to figure out what commitment means to him or her.Talk therapy helps the client to determine these issues. It also helps the person to deal with these things and reduce the stress in his or her life.People who suffer from extreme forms of commitment phobia may benefit from mood stabilizing medications, since they can become depressed by not being able to carry on a satisfactory relationship.It is a big step to even acknowledge the fact that you have a problem and being willing to seek help. The burden of having a phobia can be overcome and seeking a commitment phobia and fear treatment and cure is the way to achieve that goal.

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