Sunday, June 7, 2015

Basking In Uncertainty

By Evan Sanders

There's actually no such thing as certainty. It's all uncertain in reality.

In fact, uncertainty is very helpful in teaching you lessons however. When you live in a world full of uncertainty, you give yourself the opportunity to live in full possibility and be truly happy. Those two realities come side by side. When you really begin to try to separate yourself from uncertainty by proscribing what your future is going to appear like, that's truly when you can really begin to get into a dash of trouble. As thrilling as that may be to do, you become out of touch with true reality of things and distance yourself from individuals that are right here right now. There's not much worse than living in some place that you can't actually go to, and therefore, missing out on all that is really taking place at the moment.

That's my story.

Living in the future and neglecting the present.

Not that it was a horrible thing all of the time, though it was out of balance with the deep underlying sense of needing connection with others. I knew that I needed that connection, so I had to start to make some changes. I believe the balance of where hopes and objectives lie with an individual who has great ambitions is that they honestly must ...and should... appreciate what they have now, be the person that they see in the future now, and learn for a fact that the future is only going to be a full illustration of deep loving purpose of what is happening in their life right this second.

My problem was that I looked at the future as a spot where it would all turn out and everything would be alright. Wrong. You need to be OK with what is going on today. When you can really live in the present moment and let the uncertainty of the future handle itself, happiness creeps in.

Learn to tap into this moment and appreciate it for what it is. That is all we are able to do right?

Uncertainty is the name of the game.

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