Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rent Two Way Radios And Forget Maintenance Costs

By Grace Daniels

My son dropped by the other day to show me his latest device. The problem was I had been trying to reach him all day and his phone was out of the service area. For a young man in his profession this high tech device was not doing him much good and it was costing him a fortune in fees. He would have been better off to rent two way radios.

One of the most important roles played by these devices are the ones carried by police. No matter where they are, or the situation they are handling, they are in constant touch with headquarters. Simply pressing a button allows their voices to come through loud and clear. They can call for they need and it arrives with haste.

There are numerous instances where renting a radio is the perfect short term solution. Weekend hikers find them immeasurable if one of the party should become separated from the rest. Maybe as a scout leader you want to keep your pack safe and sound. They are great for that first time ever sleep over in the backyard tent and a parents voice invites sleep.

You will also find them on construction sites where it is imperative that workers know what he other guys are doing. It would seem in this instance that the radios should be purchased but there are many reasons why that may not be the case. Here we will take a look at what rental agencies have to offer the consumer that has need of this kind of communication device.

As nice as the latest high tech equipment can be it has a few problems. The item and the service that goes with it is extremely costly. In a year or two another device will be out to replace the one you have. Companies that employ a number of employees can find this high tech rat race more than their budget can withstand.

The logical thing to do is to invest in two way radios. They never let you down because they are away from a tower and calls are never dropped before plans are completed. They come with extended warranties; the cost is tax deductible; and the operating cost is minimal when you compare owning the device versus renting it.

Maintenance is never out off. Any reported problem is repaired immediately. If an update is available it is applied to the radio right away. Even with the already reasonable cost, the more units you rent, the lower the cost goes. If you happen to have a few radios already, the rental ones can be made to work along with the ones you presently have.

You may want to rent two way radios that were once owned by someone else. They are perfect in every way but price. Order a number of them and the price falls even more. They are repaired with new parts making the used radio every bit as good as the new one. Paramedics, police, and fire fighters can;t all be wrong and they depend on them in the course of their work on a daily basis.

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