Monday, August 20, 2018

The Ojibwe Language Made Easy

By Eric Collins

There are so many different names that these languages go by that it might get confusing to recognize if a person is talking about this one or not. The Ojibwe language might also be called Ojibwa or Ojibway, which at least sound similar so it seems to make sense. Then again, there are also names for it like Chippewa and Otchipwe, so it is important to watch out for those ones and remember all of the different names for this dialect so you don't get left in the dark when it comes to understanding what people are talking about.

The people who created these languages were the first people who were living in North America, but they didn't know it by that name. These people referred to this area of the world as Turtle Island due to the fact that it was in their belief system that a giant turtle served as the foundation for all of the land in North America. The areas where these people were living would now be considered different provinces and states in the United States as well as Canada.

There are so many different dialects when it comes to this way of speaking. This makes it hard to really learn all of them sufficiently. There are so many little differences, as well as plenty of major ones, that make it so you kind of just have to start with whatever regional dialect you are interested in and then work your way out from there.

You will definitely have an easier time with this sort of thing if you look it up online. The great thing about that is you can see plenty of background information that is helpful to you. Otherwise, it is way too easy to get overwhelmed.

Some old languages have stopped being used and are even forgotten by time. Fortunately, the people who spoke this dialect long ago had very strong oral traditions, making it so the way of speaking had ensured survival. People still learn it and speak it all the time today at certain schools, where this is the only language that is used.

There might be friends of yours who know some of these dialects and you didn't even realize it. Plenty of Native Americans have friends or friends of relatives that can teach you a little bit about this. It is nice to learn from someone who you like and feel completely comfortable with.

The thing that bothers many people about learning a new way of speaking is how hard it is. It's important to remember that this is only at first. The learning process quickly becomes much easier.

You might find yourself more connected to this culture after you learn their dialect. This is great whether you have Native American heritage or not. It is amazing how connected this can make you feel.

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