Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Types Of Erosion Control Colorado

By Marissa Velazquez

The elements of erosion control Colorado have a goal of keeping or restoring all areas, where construction is taking place, to their natural condition. The state, city and counties work together to ensure that this will happen at any construction site that is larger than one acre or located on any type of incline. Any type of run off or sediment must be contained and cleared of any contaminants that may be picked up from the site.

When dealing with new construction most sites must be cleared of vegetation by grading the land. Before this happens contractors must apply for permits and submit a cohesive plan as to how they will prevent sediment and run off from the land. State agencies perform inspections on site to ensure you are complying with the plans you submitted and that they are working. If a complaint is filed you must bring the site into compliance immediately or face fines and litigation.

The erosive nature of rain, wind and running water are damaging to bare soil. In extreme cases you may see gulleys or slope slippage in hilly areas. Silt build up in water ways is also a problem that must be prevented. Replanting the areas is the most efficient method of protecting non-productive soil from the elements.

Prior to completion many contractors will use straw blankets constructed with netting or straw wattles to cover the bare land. The blankets and wattles vary in size and thickness and will eventually break down and feed the soil they cover. This is especially effective when used for the sides of new roadway construction.

Hydro processing is a method of covering and reseeding areas of exposed soil. The mulch that is used contains a gummy substance that adheres to the soil to prevent erosion from occurring. The mulch is comprised of paper, wood pulp and aspen hydro mulch. When the grass seeds are added to the mixture they also put fertilizer with it. The combination of these resources helps to guarantee fast and near total germination for the area.

Wild flowers are often added into the mixture because their root systems are deeper and have a broad base to hold them in place. The hilly areas and road sides benefit from this process because of natural yearly regeneration of flowers and the root systems that hold them. The grasses they add into the mix are specific to each area and will survive in shade or sun without care.

Another and more cost effective method is called drill seeding. This method uses tractors to lay furrows in the soil. They are equipped with a device to plant the seeds. This method also has a higher rate of success where germination is concerned because the seeds are under ground. This protects them from rain and other elements as well as helping to prevent bird and rodent foraging.

Preventive measures taken early in the construction process helps maintain the ecosystems that Mother Nature set in place. Erosion control Colorado ensures that the regeneration is done properly and the smallest amount of pollution and run off possible occurs during construction. The cooperation between them and the public sector is essential to keeping Colorado green.

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