Monday, May 27, 2013

Study Smart: Beat Procrastination And Improve Your Study Habits

By Lachlan Haynes

Are you a procrastinator? Do you like to sleep in, half-complete tasks and leave everything to the last minute? Well join the club! 94% of people worldwide are in the same boat as you. And 94% of people also love saying the following four words: "I'll do it tomorrow". We say these words to ourselves knowing that an assessment date draws closer and closer or the list of chores gets bigger and bigger, but we just keep on saying it anyway! Unfortunately, this doesn't help us in the slightest because it results in well, nothing! And that's the point, nothing is getting done.

The fascinating and somewhat disturbing news is that when it comes to procrastinating you are not alone. One of the biggest reasons people do not achieve their goals (and then feel unhappy about it) is because they are chronic procrastinators. It has been reported that 94% of people are putting something off and it is making them feel unhappy - that's right 94%! If you're a procrastinator you are truly not alone. In fact, you're totally normal! However the good news ends there. Students that procrastinate are more likely to achieve lower subject grades, lower exam scores and lower overall grades. Worse still, procrastination is strongly linked to poor health and less money. That's right, procrastinators have less money. Amazing isn't it? But we're not trying to make you feel bad because you might be poor and unhealthy. We're just trying to help you early in your life by making you aware of it now.

Why Can't I Just Stop?

Procrastinators tend to tell themselves little while lies such as: "I am a perfectionist so if I'm going to do something I'm going to do it right" or "I'm almost ready to get started" or "I'm working on it, it will be done soon" or "I need more information before I get started" or "I'll get started tomorrow when I'm refreshed" or "I have a few things to do first" or "I work better under pressure" or "I just need more time." Can you notice what is happening here? It's just one excuse after another isn't it?

The 'truth' in all of this is simply that postponing anything for a day or two isn't really that big of a deal at all - so don't fret if that's all you do in this situation. The big problem is when one day becomes two days, two days becomes four days, four days becomes a week, one week becomes a fortnight, a fortnight becomes a month and then a month becomes a year. This trend can literally last forever. Unless of course your exam is today and you didn't study! Then procrastination isn't your issue anymore anyway - your bleak future after failing is! Also figuring out who to blame will be another thing you will need to work out.

Find A Solution

It's time to stop, take a deep breath and think for a moment about why this is happening. What could the "payoff" be? What is reinforcing the behavior? What is making you want to procrastinate? Do you like drama? Do you enjoy the rush of having to get lots of work done in a short amount of time? Do you hate being told when to do work? Do you want to have a great time first and do your school work later? Are you worried your friends won't think you're "cool" if you do your school work and hand everything in on time?

The next time you catch yourself procrastinating ask yourself these questions: 1. Where in my life or school work do I feel bored, or long for drama and excitement? 2. What does procrastinating allow me to experience that's positive and desirable? 3. How can I recreate that positive experience without having to use procrastination? 4. Conversely, what is the negative experience that procrastinating causes me?

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