Wednesday, July 18, 2018

An Outlook With EQI 20 Certification

By John Scott

There are certain things in life that can be easily quantified. Weight, height. There are many ways with which to put a number value on those things. But there are some things that do lend themselves well to such easy quantification. There is no way to put a number of inches or kilograms on things like love and pain. True, there is a scale for pain, but that is subjective. Then again, emotions are subjective. But things such as EQI 20 certification can be rather universal.

EQI is emotional intelligence quotient. This is basically how well a person can deal with feelings. This is not just about self awareness, but also about being around others.

Now, some individuals who live within society like to proclaim as loudly as possible that emotions are not needed, that they cloud rational judgment. But that would ignore the fact that emotional responses are absolutely needed in order to insure the continued survival of the species as a whole. Look at parents and babies. Babies are loud, they stink and they cry constantly. No one in their right mind would ever want to raise one. Sure, some couples like the idea of one, but then the reality of it will hit them as soon as they take it home and it wakes them up in the middle of the night. If it were not for the emotional bond a parents forms with their offspring, most babies would probably end up abandoned, because no sane person would ever want to deal with that hassle. So the people who say feelings make people stupid are right, but they are wrong about how unnecessary they are.

The first aspect of the EQI is the intrapersonal. This is about how competently a person understands themselves emotionally. This can include independence, how well a specimen can function without outside help. But it also include self actualization, that would be how well that same specimen can take control of their own life.

Then there is the interpersonal part. This is all about interacting with others. It is often said that no man is an island, and the fact that humans are social creatures is proof enough of that. Look at society. Everyone works with others to make things function properly, like a body.

Now comes the part of stress management. The road to living is hardly ever smooth. In fact, it can be full of bumps and potholes, stuff that can make living less than fun. Now, how a person navigates these potholes can be observed.

Then there is the part about adaptability Make no mistake about it, adaptability was an essential skill that allowed humans to flourish as well as they did. Without, the first hominids would have died off after a particularly bad winter, so being able to roll with the punches thrown by the universe is extremely important.

The thing about life is that it has highs and lows. But these highs and lows are not an everyday occurrence, more like a once in a while thing. On most days, there is a middle ground, a place that is neither high nor low, but simply is.

The world is not a happy place. But it is not a sad place either. It is somewhere in the middle, much like how most individuals feel on a daily basis. Of course, there is no way to really measure feelings.

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