Sunday, April 19, 2015

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol

By Dave A

If you are a slave to alcohol and can't break the grip then join the club will millions of other active alcoholics.

First, if you think you have a problem with drinking likely you do. Think about it this way. People who don't have a problem with drinking don't ever question whether they have a problem. For example I have gambled a few times in my life. I do not think I have a problem with gambling. In fact I don't think about it; ever. I can take it or leave it. With alcohol this is not the case. I think about alcohol all the time. When I drink, I have a difficult time stopping. For many years, there's been a desire to control and quit drinking. Logically it would make sense to quit drinking. After all, almost all my misery is somehow related to alcohol. Perhaps your story is similar.

The first thing we need to establish if we want to learn how to stop drinking alcohol is that moderation, cutting back, and control are impossible. Impossible if you are suffering from alcoholism. People who claim it is possible are deceiving us. When someone is selling me on the "you can control your drinking" solution I can guarantee one of two things. The person selling the "control it" idea is not an alcoholic or they are an alcoholic who's in denial.

Alcoholics need to abolish the notion they can moderate, cut back, control, or take it easy when it comes to drinking alcohol. It simply doesn't work. It is a known fact that if we suffer from alcoholism, then abstinence is the only solution. We can't waste our time, money and life looking at another solution. Most active alcoholics are advancing toward impending death. If not a physical death through illness and accidents, then a death of the soul. Continuing on the alcohol abuse path is a sure way to a life full of misery. I know, because I was there.

To answer the question; How to stop drinking alcohol we are faced with a choice. We can act or we do not act. We have a choice. If we decide to act, then we need to get plugged in. Think of it this way. What happens with you plug in a lamp? The light comes on. We can see clearly. The room is bright. We can see where we are. Where we are going. It's not scary. We can find lost things. It's plugged into the source, which in this case is electricity.

When we learn how to stop drinking alcohol, it's no different. We need to plug into a source that will light up our lives. We can't just say "I am going to quit drinking" then do nothing and expect to be sober in 30 days. We always fail. Always. If you are an alcoholic, you will turn back to drinking, always. We can only white knuckle it so long before the grip of alcohol has got us again. Then back to the merry-go-round life of misery. We need a source and we need to be plugged in all the time.

Here's the thing, we are going to hit rocky times when trying to stop drinking alcohol. We are going to be tempted. We are going to experience cravings. It's true. It will suck, but there is hope. That hope is in a strong recovery program. The recovery program becomes the source, the strength, the light in our lives. We cannot expect to stop drinking alcohol when we are plugged into the wrong sources, like money, people, jobs, and our own competence. We will simply fail. We need a strong program. We need to be reflecting, mediating, praying, meeting with other alcoholics, keeping a journal, eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, on the list goes on. Our lives need to take a 180 degree turn if we are going to learn how to stop drinking alcohol. We need to be willing to let go of our old ideas. We need to practise recovery daily and we find good sources of recovery so we keep motivated avoiding the traps of relapse.

If you need assistance finding help, you can send me an email at

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