Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Signifance Of Pin Back Buttons

By Marylou Forbes

Clothing buttons have been in use from the time humans started to put on clothes. Currently they are made from different materials but initially they were made from wood, then from plastics and even metal materials. The Pin back buttons are a form of badge that can be temporarily hoked to a garment, the pin is fixed on the back view which can be flat or curved. The upper side is meant to carry a message in form of an image, symbol, letter, logo or a phrase.

A number of companies have indulged in the business of manufacturing them.They are involved in mass production of the items and the businesses try to make some specific orders that are client oriented to meet their special requirements.The shapes, sizes and color come in different forms. Instead of purchasing them, another alternative is to follow the guidelines on how to make them and once the basic skills is acquired a little creativity can be added.

There double functionality has enabled them to stand the test of time. The fasteners are less expensive and thus popular in joining together fabrics and as the same time passing on some information. There weight is not heavy and one can easily move around when they are wearing them. Its merit is that the information on the badge stays longer and can be preserved.

Historically, they can be traced to the United States in the year 1789 when the first president George Washington used them in his inauguration party and almost everyone present was seen spotting the political pin. Due to the buzz, clarity and its simplicity, it gained more popularity and by the year eighteen ninety three it was patented by Benjamin whitehead who added a thin film to enhance the durability of the badge.

They date back about several centuries ago. A number of people have taken up as a hobby to collect the pin badges as some do the same with coins. The collections make mini personal museums that tell stories and tales that might have been forgotten with time.They are a form of artifact.

Politicians usually try to outperform each other during campaign periods. The candidates use all platforms to pass their massage to the potential clients. It is common to see the candidates and their supporters issuing fliers together with the campaign or political pins.

Majority of companies are using different and unique ways to advertise themselves in order to stay ahead and have a competitive edge. The badges are used to advertise, promote or market a product. The pin ups can be added to the merchandise or souvenirs that the company gives its clients.

Other than commercial use, the pins are used by individuals. Due to the diversity of individuals in cultures, values, beliefs, tastes and preferences, the badges are used to showcase the personality. Instead of using shirts, head gears, hats or scarfs, the badge is a cooler alternative and can be won on a shirt, blouse or even a coat.

The badge button keeps changing and receiving attention because there is a ready market. Fashion stylists are always looking for more elaborate ways to improve and enhance creativity and the pin backs are one of the forum.

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