Friday, August 8, 2014

Meet The New Babywise Blog

By Annabelle Holman

A new blog is a resource for new and veteran parents. Complete with a Home page and the babywise blog, Bulletin Board, Forum and Chat link, it hosts a great number of details, information and networking. The administrators keep the blog fun and updated on a regular basis with information on baby news, contests and important information on baby care.

One new idea which has been presented on the blog is that of blog sharing. The topics allow for both owners and visitors to click into the topics and post comments. The comments section then becomes a sharing tool for a multitude of baby related blogs set up by bloggers and parents.

If there is no area appropriate for the topic being shared, the owner of the website will create a new category. When a topic is listed in one area but the upload fits a different one, always post to the category closest to the topic. When in doubt, it is always best to send an inquiry to the contact information listed on the website rather than guess.

Blogs that have links at which individuals can post include religious, photography, miscellaneous, learning, health, family, entertainment, craft, cooking and business. Each week, there is a shared scheduled of activities, contests, games and other interactive features.

Information on parenting can be found on many different websites. The Blogosphere host many sites like this one devoted to all things baby. Unlike Babywise, others do not often offer a new schedule, contests, news, recall information and games each week. Parents can also make friends while sharing important resources and information. Whether expecting, or already having give birth, the information provided is entertaining, fun, informational, useful and varied.

Children have a way of adapting when a new baby finds the home peaceful, calm and welcoming. It is often the new parents who have more issues adjusting to new schedules, figuring out baby care when going back to work and how to deal with any pets in the home. While supervision is essential, it is also important to allow older children to give the baby love and attention

At times, one or other parent may want one on one time with the baby. It is important to not think of the other parent as more or less important. When both parents are present, attention, caring for, and discipline need be shared by both parents if planning on maintaining peace.

If both parents are working, it is important to consider the most efficient way to run the household. Outside help can often be a good option when overwhelmed. At other times, asking family members and friends for support might be a better one.

When baby first comes home, it is important that parents keep a close eye on any other children or pets in the home. Toddlers often have lots of toys which can be thrown around the room. If so, it is important to store and supervise any play with this toys when the baby is in the room.

Most often pets only want to give love like babies so it most case any overly aggressive behavior is related to excitation and not aggression. In others, it is the difference in not understanding the difference between a newborn baby and a toy. Either way, as long as the baby is attended and pets supervised, it is less likely an incident like this will occur.

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