Thursday, June 6, 2019

Guidelines To Follow When Preparing For Spiritual Sermons

By Donna Morgan

As a preacher, you have the responsibility of preaching to the masses and guiding them in their spiritual path. This is done by preparing a sermon that is good every time that you stand at the podium or any other platform that is offered to you. It is assumed that preachers have an easy time delivering a sermon, but this is not the case. Here is a step by step guideline on how you should prepare for the best spiritual sermons.

For you to preach effectively, you need to be guided by the Holy Spirit. You can only be guided by the Holy Spirit when you pray. Therefore as a preacher, is it advisable that you consult God before preaching rather than preaching from your mind. Preachers who never pray before they preach often fail to touch the lives of people.

Reading the bible is important before you preach. Remember that you will be preaching using the bible, so you need to avoid misquoting the bible by reading it carefully. You should read several Bible versions and not one. Different translators translated the different versions of the Bible, so reading a number of the versions will enable you to understand the bible well. Also, some of the translators omit some verses, so reading a number of the versions will enable you to identify such verses.

Great preachers are known to uplift and make their congregation feel encouraged. It is important to have your congregation in mind when you are preparing your homily. Understand what troubles your church members, what they are going through, what they want in life and evaluate their spirituality. This will help you create a sermon that is relevant and make your congregation relate with it.

A homily should be understood easily. Make sure that your sermon has a good structure. You can make points that will guide your preaching. The sermon should feel natural and have a good flow of words and thoughts. You may put together a good homily, but if it does not have the right structure, all will be in vain.

Share the sermon with someone before you preach to the congregation. This person should listen and critic the sermon. This helps to analyze your homily at a different point of view. By doing this, you get helpful insights that will improve your homily by either adding some information that you might have omitted or removing controversial information that might confuse your congregation.

You may prepare a good message, but how you present it may be lacking. You need to prepare and practice. It is essential that you find an audience. You can practice in front of your family or even in front of a mirror, but practicing is very important.

One of the responsibilities of a pastor is offering a good sermon. A good sermon is a sermon which speaks to the spirits of people as well as guides people on how they are supposed to live. Preparation is, therefore, essential when it comes to this. The article discusses how you are supposed to prepare such a sermon.

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