Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Many Holiday Fundraiser Ideas

By Ida Dorsey

There are quite a few people who enjoy doing their own decorations and other creative events whenever Thanksgiving or Christmas season rolls around. This is one reason why holiday fundraiser ideas are necessary to these individuals and quite a few others.

The smart individuals who are living in America will do certain things in order to raise money for themselves and others who are in need. Sometimes people will have a bake sale, adult spelling bee, night in jail contest, silent auction, gift wrapping contest, talent show, kissing booth or yard sell in order to obtain funds.

Georgia residents love to cook and prepare great food items each and every day of the year. When the holidays come around these creative individuals take the time to make some of the best pies, cakes, cookies and doughnuts that can be found. They all meet at city hall when everything is ready to be sold. Citizens who want to buy a sweet treat will stop in for a few moments and fill their stomach with all of the delightful items.

After the great bake sale is over the mayor of this town would invest the money into a charity Christmas fund. Christmas was also going to be a sad time for a Chicago family who lost their home in a devastating fire. It was very fortunate that everyone within their city decided to do a charity talent show to help these individuals. The event was a success since everyone living in the area paid five dollars to be a part of it.

It was great that a young girl organized an adult spelling bee contest before the Christmas holidays. All of the students were given a certain amount of tickets to sell to the residents. Once this event was over she would have a ton of cash to give to the local charity organization in town. These people would then purchase all types of toys and clothes for the children who lived within the shelters.

Thanksgiving season can be a very happy time for many individuals living within the United States. Unfortunately many families are unable to purchase foods or drinks while this lavish day is in progress. Some individuals living in America sponsor a night in jail event which is helpful to these impoverished people. Local business people and others are arrested for one night and then they are bonded out. All funds are given to every person who is in need of food and shelter.

Sometimes a silent auction is an excellent way to raise funds for a variety of charity organizations. Certain items are placed on display and the residents can then secretly bid on them. Local malls will have gift wrapping contests in order to find the fastest person around.

Everyone entering this event is charged a small fee which is given to the Toys For Tots Foundation. Very entertaining girls who are trying to raise money to help needy children during the Christmas season will often create a kissing booth at their college.

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