Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tarot Basics Is Easier Than You Think

By Olivia Rostigus

Learning to read the Tarot is easier than you think. People tend to make it much more difficult than it really is. It really is not hard to learn to read the Tarot. The more consistent time you spend at learning to do psychic tarot readings, the sooner it will become automatic. You didn't learn to tie your shoes overnight and it is much the same when learning how to read the Tarot. Be easy on yourself when taking on a project like this.

First you need a plan. Decide how much time you are willing to devote a few times per week. This will set the stage for learning just as if you were going out to take a class. Tarot is much like learning to play an instrument. I may seem like you'll never get it, but you will as long as you stick with it. The more time you put in, the more proficient you will become.

The first step is to get yourself a good and very basic new deck. The Waite-Rider Tarot deck is a good one to start with. It has simple pictures and they are not hard to figure out when you are beginning. While there are many Tarot decks available, it is important to start with a standardized version.

I really recommend getting a good book like Idiot's Guide To Tarot. The people who wrote it did a great job and really simplified what are the most important things to focus on for the beginner. Not only do they have a great sense of humor, but they are masters at breaking down what you need to know at first. They make it interesting while you are learning and take the fear out of an otherwise complicated task.

Internet books stores are the most efficient way of purchasing a guide book and a new deck of cards. A used deck is not worth buying as they can be difficult to work with for two reasons. One, they can stick together and two, they have other people's energy in them. You want a new deck to be clean, clear of other's energy, crisp and easy to shuffle. They tend to be large and learning how to shuffle them efficiently can take practice if you are not used to it. Used books are fine to purchase. I've seen them as low as $2. New decks run anywhere from five to thirty dollars.

There are many layouts or spreads out there, but the basic Celtic Cross is the most common and widely practiced when doing readings. Once you have mastered the Celtic Cross, you can move on to the more complicated spreads.

When beginning, to get a large piece of paper to write down the positions where you will be laying the cards. A large piece of 18x24 inch paper can be purchased at any arts and crafts store. I recommend this because at first, you may want to draw each of the 10 positions and meanings until you have them memorized. You could also use 4 pieces of computer paper taped together.

It won't take long for you to just automatically know what each position in the layout means, however, at first, make it easy on yourself and just draw them on a large piece of paper. Each new deck comes with a small booklet and basic explanations for each card. I really recommend The Idiot's Guide To Tarot. The information will be invaluable not only in the beginning but as you get further into the Tarot, this book can take you there. It is not only for beginners, and you can grow into a very proficient Tarot card reader using this well-written guide book. The information in it is excellent and they take the mystery out of learning the Tarot.

When you first begin, keep your practice sessions fairly short. Like learning how to play the piano, the next day it is much easier. Our brains seem to absorb what we have learned that day and store it for future use. Make sure you don't go on information over-load and try to learn too much all at once.

Be gentle with yourself and make sure you just go at a slow, steady pace when learning. This is a process like learning anything that has lots of information to it. There are lots of cards to memorize. Seventy eight Tarot cards also have reversed meanings which means you have 156 explanations to deal with. You cannot memorize these over night.

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